"As a patient, you’re a specimen. A problem to be solved. To these doctors, I am my eye."

I love these musings of "patient as thing", almost like "patient as product" almost. Sorry about the dry eye! That can be a real nuisance.

So happy I found your work! Excited to read more

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Thank you so much for the kind words 🤍 It’s always strange to be a patient under observation -- so glad you enjoyed!

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Congrats. Love your voice. Also, much better outcome than my most recent opthalo visit in Paris where I was told that there was elevated pressure in one eye despite otherwise decent test results and that I had to use prescription drops to see if the pressure could be lowered. The risk: glaucoma! And this whole thing went down in 100% French because my doc doesn't speak English. On va voir (we'll see) :-)

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Merci bcp! So glad to have you here. Really hoping those eye drops have helped -- and kudos to you for navigating an entirely French medical interaction. Not sure I could quite manage that!

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Another great read! This reminds me of a couple of recent eye doctor visits! I got struck with a tennis ball and landed at the eye doctor because there was a part of my vision in that eye that had "blackened out." The doctor imaged the eye to look for damage and figured I had Commotio Retinae. I went back two weeks later to get an image of the eye again to check for healing. I couldn't decipher any difference between the two images (the doctor could, and I'm not sure how!), yet... the black spot in my vision had gone. To this day, I still wonder if my brain had adapted and was filling in the vision well before the eye had healed. :)

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